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The complete Text is in four chapters. Their Karakamsa, Arudha, Upapada and Navamsa are explained in the first chapter. The second chapter deals with longevity, diseases, profession, progeny and spouse. The third id concerned with longevity, nature and cause of death. Also there is an account of Raja yogas. The fourth offers an elaborate account of the prenatal epoch, and the principles can be applied to the natal charts. Now, for the first time all the four ...
The foregoing is virtually a page-by-page description of the book. Includes the original slokas. In the introduction, we learn that the author of this book was not the Kalidasa of legend. The real author might have been one Abhinava Kalidasa, but in any case was South Indian, belonging to the 17th or early 18th centuries, a devotee of the Great Mother goddess, Para Shakti, Maha Tripura Sundari. Notable in this book: A method of finding past, present & future ...
For many years there has been a persistent demand for an up to date comprehensive text book of Astrology based on scientific treatment of the subject. This book is complete in itself, includes every aspects of Astrology does away with the necessity of purchasing any additional volume as textbook. The present work in the beginning emphasises on relation of Astrology to science and philosophy and thus establishes the validity of Astrology. There is added stress on ...
Predictions at times fail because the exact time of birth is not known: or it is known only approximately. The moment when the umbilical cord is cut is generally not noted. Hence one has to rectify the given time of birth.
There are some methods given by the ancient texts. Some methods refer to the Moon and Mandi. Uttara Kalamrita offers a method based on the birth constellation and the weekday. Modifications to this are made by ...
A Unique text by India's greatest astronomer and astrologer Varaha Mihira known in India, Egypt, Greece and elsewhere. This work laid the solid foundations of Indian astrology. Special combinations, indications for asceticism, rectification of Birth time, female horoscopy, Ashtaka varga and unknown birth horoscopes are explained in detail. The chapter on the decanates is unique. It is a source-book for all vedic astrology principles. ...