P Singh

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About 25% of the vascular plants of India are found no where else or otherwise endemic to India. These living natural treasures are important part of our heritage. The book ‘Endemic Vascular Plants of India’ enumerates 4381 taxa (4303 Angiosperms, 12 Gymnosperms and 66 Pteridophytes) belonging to 1007 genera and 176 families. A total of 58 genera have been identified as endemic to India. Distributional maps for all the 58 endemic genera and their ...
Contents: Vol. II: 1. Leguminosae. 2. Rosaceae. 3. Saxifragaceae. 4. Vahliaceae. 5. Parnassiaceae. 6. Hydrangeaceae. 7. Grossulariaceae. 8. Crassulaceae. 9. Droseraceae. 10. Hamamelidaceae. 11. Haloragaceae. 12. Callitrichaceae. 13. Rhizophoraceae. 14. Combretaceae. 15. Myrtaceae. 16. Lecythidaceae. 17. Melastomataceae. 18. Lythraceae. 19. Sonneratiaceae. 20. Punicaceae. 21. Onagraceae. 22. Trapaceae. 23. Turneraceae. 24. Passifloraceae. 25. Caricaceae. 26. ...
Contents: Acknowledgements. Contributors & Editors. Abbreviations of Languages. List of Illustrations. 1. Loranthaceae. 2. Viscaceae. 3. Santalaceae. 4. Balanophoraceae. 5. Buxaceae. 6. Euphorbiaceae. 7. Daphniphyllaceae. Index to Botanical name. Index to common names.
Genetic information is carried in the linear sequence of nucleotides in DNA. Its expression involves the translation of the linear sequence of specific regions of DNA existing in the nucleus of the cell (called coding regions or genes) into a collinear sequence of amino acides (proteins). As an intermediate step, however, DNA must be copied into different types of polynucleotide known as the ribonucleic acid (RNA) which retains all the information of the DNA ...
The statues of women in India has been subject to many great changes over the past few millennia. From equal status with men in ancient times through the low points of the medieval period to the promotion of equal rights by many reformers the history of women in India has been eventful. In modern India women have adorned high offices in India including that of the President prime Minister Speaker of the Lok Sabha etc. India is one of the Ancient Civilization of ...
Various types of irrigation techniques differ in how the water obtained from the source is distributed within the field. In general, the goal is to supply the entire field uniformly with water, so that each plant has the amount of water it needs, neither too much nor too little. Surface irrigation is defined as the group of application techniques where water is applied and distributed over the soil surface by gravity. It is by far the most common form of ...
Vegetable growing is suitable for small and marginal farmers. A number of vegetables can be grown successfully as inter crop along with trees. Crop suitable for growing at early stages of planting of orchard are potato, okra, tomato, brinjal, sweet potato, peas and onion etc. For later stages crop than can be taken are chilli, palak and ginger. This way a farmer gets more profit from his forest plantation. The Indian subcontinent lies between 8 degree and 37 ...
Agriculture is the production of food and goods through farming. Agriculture was the key development that led to the rise of human civilization, with the husbandry of domesticated animals and pants (i.e. crops) creating food surpluses that enabled the development of more densely populated and stratified societies. The study of agriculture is known as agricultural science.
Agriculture is also observed in certain species of ant and termite. Agriculture encompasses ...
Fruit trees, like most crops, respond to god soil with vigour and productivity. Trees can successfully produce economic yields on hillsides, rocky soils and other sites not suitable for frequent tillage. Look careful at your site and take stock of tits soil, slope and aspect, water infiltration and drainage, frost patterns, maximum and minimum temperatures, length of growing season, distribution of annual precipitation availability of water for irrigation, ...
The mythology of India claims unique interest by virtue of its unparalleled length of life. Aryan mythology is comparatively recent. In mass of content and in value for mythology, however, these cannot compare with the Rigveda. Of still more importance is the fact that from the period of the Rigveda to the present day, a space of some thirty five hundred years. We have a mythology, which is in constant but organic development. Hindu mythology is a term used by ...