P.V. Tewari

Showing all 7 books
Caraka Sarnhita (Volume I Sutra Sthana) English translation of text with Ayurveda Dipika commentary by Cakrapani Datta. Editor/ translator Prof. P.V.Tewari.
Caraka Samhita oldest treatise of Ayurveda describes not only Ayurveda, rather has dealt with all other aspects related to human psychosomatic health i.e. philosophy, sociology and religion including medical ethics etc. Luminaries of Ayurveda of this era have deliberated upon the treatise from different ...
Yogaratnakara the book of mid seventeenth century, written by yet unknown author, but extremely well known in the ayurvedic world, is like a sun, throwing light on all aspects of ayurveda not seen in any other available book on ayurveda, however, since the book is compiled in the period when surgery was almost not being done by ayurvedist thus the references of subject matter related to salyavijnana of (surgery) are scanty; knowledge of sarira (anatomy) being ...
'Introduction to Kasyapa Samhita' is an attempt to study in depth the book Kasyapa Samhita, the only source book of kaumarabhartya. As presently available Kasyapa Samhita is published on the basis of single, incomplete manuscript, naturally various aspects of the book i.e. its authorship specially of supplementary section (khila Sthana), its contributions in the advancement of the knowledge of ayurveda in general and kaumarabhrtya in particular, its ...
The book 'Kaumarabhrtya (Obstetrics, Gynecology and Pediatrics) in Ayurveda' is an effort to epitomize subject related to obs., gyne., neonatology and pediatrics scattered in Vedas, Upanisads, Smrties, Grhyasutras, Brahmana Granthas and Ayurvedika classics written from earliest to pre-independence period. Entire subject is presented under specific chapters/headings accepted/practised today and relevant references have been added at the end of chapters. It is ...
Kasyapa-Samhita, a treatise of ancient period has remained the only source book on Kaumarbhrtya till 19 century AD. Though initial fabrication of sections and number of chapters of each section is in tune with Caraka-Samhita, however, subjects dealt are original, some of which are unparalleled. Hitherto only one Hindi translation with commentary is available, which does not quench the thirst of knowledge of those not so well-versed with Samskrta and / or Hindi. ...
It is an unique book written in the style not attempted by any author so far, most suited to present day demand of scientific world, as it unveils the gems of subject related to prasuti-tantra (obstetrics) and striroga (gynecology), hidden amidst thousands of pages compiled within eleven most important and widely read books on ayurveda, alongwith their commentators of ancient and medieval period. Recapitulation of textual references under specific headings ...