Showing all 5 books
The book is an introduction to different aspects of environmental pollution in the light of tremendous achievements in the last few decades in a very comprehensive and thought provoking manner. The book features the contributions from eminent environmentalists, educationists, researchers and professionals. This book will serve a multidisciplinary source book and will be of immense use for those working in the field of environmental sciences, limnology, ...
Tropical ecosystems are very rich in biodiversity. But the poor state of economy, fast human growth and widespread habitat losses are the primary threats to this biodiversity. Increasing pollution and global warming are expected to fasten the loss of biodiversity in these regions. For sustainability of the future human populations, it is essential that there must be concreted efforts to stem the fast loss of tropical biodiversity coupled with sustainable ...
This book has incorporated in it the latest developments in this subject. The present edition is an attempt to provide the whole subject in a simple, lucid and comprehensive manner. This book is fashioned as a flexible tool for the teachers and students of B.Com., B.B.A., M.Com., M.B.A., C.A., C.S., and I.C.W.A., of our country. Research scholars, teachers and professionals can also find this book beneficial because each and every aspect is specifically presented ...