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The contemporary world with all its achievements in the field of science and technology finds itself helpless in the face of terrorism. Hundreds of thousands of people are falling prey to violence perpetuated by terrorists organisations in the world. The world has been awakened very suddenly to the dangers of terrorism. The world civilization is confronted with the problem of its annihilation. Struck with the sense of this danger the United Nations also has taken ...
Human Rights are essentially a product of Democracy. Man’s struggle against tyranny has been long and sustained. Tyranny has, from time to time, surfaced in different forms and modes. Human beings have always tried to assert their right, more often than not successfully; sometimes there has been a dismal failure. Onslaught on human rights continues. So does man’s struggle against tyranny. During the Renaissance period, and the era of industrialisation, the ...
The location of Kashmir is so wonderful that it is a very rich soil by all means. The land of Kashmir is very fertile and very rich commercial crops are grown there. Besides this is a bowl of rich fruits like apple, cherries, and almond. Some very bi rivers like Sindh river, Jhelum and Chenab originate from Himalayas and flow through Kashmir and later irrigate fields in India and Pakistan. Its position is very strategic. On the other sides of Kashmir are China, ...
Industrial revolution ad humanist movement in Europe had revolutionized human being in the so called third world countries also. The Gandhian freedom struggle had touched the conscience of freedom loving people who rose against the autocratic authoritarian and oppressive imperialism rule in India. Kashmir though ruled by a king Raja Hari Singh did not remain untouched and under the banner of national conference and its strong leader Sheikh Abdullah, a freedom ...