Showing all 3 books
Focus on what really makes a difference-the essentials of successful negotiating Patrick Forsyth reveals the techniques, strategies and ploys of expert negotiating and bargaining. Use his advice and get to "Yes" every time you need a deal. Negotiation is a core skill, valuable to all of us and vital to many.
How to write model letters, memos, e-mails, proposals, reports, sales letters and press releases. In this straightforward and practical book Patrick Forsyth shares his expertise on how to define your message clearly and present it powerfully and persuasively. You'll get what you need more often, and with more certainty. Use the advice from this book to achieve results and make an outstanding impression in your workplace.
Focus on what really makes a difference-the essentials of performance appraisal Not only do job performance appraisals have to be done, but they can be really enriching exercises. This practical book explains how to plan, prepare and conduct meetings that your staff will find valuable-and that will positively improve your team's performance. It will make your appraisal meetings easier to run and much more likely to be constructive. This book offers a good set of ...