Uprising 2010 - Indians Against Corruption is an assembled chronicle for those who witnessed or participated in the civil-society-supported anti-corruption movement in India, 2010-2012, also referred to as India's Arab Spring or its second war of independence (against corruption). It gives a thumb nail view of this historical awakening of the Indian society and of the lessons we can draw from it. Kiran Bedi is the first and was the highest ranked woman in the ...
Broom & Groom is an expression of both anguish and hope. Anguish over the inadequate civic sense in our society. Hope, because we blieve that once we become aware and sensitive, changewillfollow.Broom & Groom is a mirror for self-reflection and a behavioural compass which could improve community living and enhance our social acceptance globally. The authors yearnfor a social renaissance of civil behaviour. It is their dream that this book triggers a ...
The book's wisdom transcends conventionality. The author has written the book of life. The fight between the good and the bad is age old. The book tells how through wisdom and creativity the good man can not only succeed but also sustain his success. This book is for real people in the real world with insights, practical wisdom and a fresh perspective for everyone…the alternative of course, is to read up hundreds of books over tens of years!