Showing all 3 books
In 1903-4 British Mission advanced over high Himalayan passes and across the rugged Tibetan plains to enter the Forbidden City of Lhasa. The main objectives of the mission were to secure trading rights with Tibet and to investigate rumours of a Russian plot to take Tibet. This account of that mission, however, is much more than the catalogue of a military advance; it contains a wealth of new knowledge about a mysterious land of which so little was known. We are ...
This book, running into four volumes, presents a panorama of over 425 wonders of the earth, made both by man and nature, covering the five continents of Asia, Australia, Africa, America and Europe. It presents a popular and authentic account of such a vast diversity of places, encompassing their history, physical features, climates and religio-cultural heritage. One of the unique features of this multi-volume set is that it contains 28 colour plates and 976 ...
Nepal remains, at the beginning of this second quarter of the twentieth century, an independent kingdom, full of antiquities and relics of the past, dowered with the wealth from mine and forest, peopled from both the northern and the southern civilizations of Asia - remains too, the last survivor of those Indian communities who stood for civilization, learning and culture when Europe was still in the darkest period of its history. She alone among Asiatic Powers ...