Showing all 12 books
Phycology includes the study of prokaryotic forms known as blue-green algae or cyanobacteria. A number of microscopic algae also occur as symbionts in lichens.
The development of the study of phycology runs in a pattern comparable with, and parallel to, other biological fields but at a different rate. After the invention of the printing press in the 15th century (with the publication of the first printed book: Gutenberg's Bible of 1488) education enabled people ...
The present title Understanding Lower Plants has been written for those students interested in careers in diverse fields of biological sciences. It provides a structured approach to learning by covering all the important topics in a uniform, systematic format. The book has been comprehensively designed incorporating recent advances in this fast moving field. It also provides accessible information on photosynthesis in compact form for undergraduate students in ...
The present title Understanding Fungi has been written for those students interested in careers in diverse fields of biological sciences. It provides a structured approach to learning by covering all the important topics in a uniform, systematic format. The book has been comprehensively designed incorporating recent advances in this fast moving field. It also provides accessible information on photosynthesis in compact form for undergraduate students in biology ...
Ferns have a big advantage over the mosses in their vascular tissue. They can grow taller, and can exist in more diverse environments. This is a trend that will continue in evolution, eventually leading to the rise of such large Sporophyte generations as the great sequoia trees. But if ferns are so much more fit for survival, why are there still mosses? And if a larger Sporophyte generation is more fit, why haven't sequoias become dominant enough to eliminate the ...
The present title "Understanding Plant Physiology" has been written for those students interested in careers in diverse fields of biological sciences. It provides a structured approach to learning by covering all the important topics in a uniform, systematic format. The book has been comprehensively designed incorporating recent advances in this fast moving field. It also provides accessible information on plant reproduction in compact form for ...
The present title "Understanding Vascular Plants" has been written for those students interested in careers in diverse fields of biological sciences. It provides a structured approach to learning by covering all the important topics in a uniform, systematic format. The book has been comprehensively designed incorporating recent advances in this fast moving field. It also provides accessible information on plant reproduction in compact form for students ...
The Present title Pteridophyta has been written in a manner to suit the needs of degree students of Indian Universities. The preparation of this title was prompted by a wish to bring together in a concise yet comprehensive form. The description of the representative types of the pteridophytes from the standpoint of their structure, reproduction and development. Special care has been taken to present the subject matter in a simple and lucid style and to include ...
The present title is the unsightful compilation offering a comprehensive account of the fundamental principles of physiology of angiosperms. It incorporates and organizes the information concerning plant physiology from relevant and authentic sources. It is an humble attempt to present a connected and precise account of the subject matter of this important branch of botany which forms an integral part of the studies undertaken by the undergraduate and ...