Prabhas Chandra

Showing all 9 books
This book addresses all the special considerations important in planning for disasters, from natural disasters to acts of terrorism to catastrophic events. It covers all aspects from assessing the risk prior to a disaster to the legal ramifications following a disaster. The text addresses the "how-tos" of avoiding the common mistakes which turn natural and man-made catastrophes into economic disasters. It encompasses not only the tries and true tactices ...
This book deals with internationally prescribed standards and wise-use practices. The focus on this book lies on global code of ethics for tourism environmental codes of conduct for sustainable tourism; contemporary global ecotourism practices and their implementation, monitoring and reporting. Various tourism protocols of World Tourism Organization, General Agreement on Trade in Services and others are presented. Global and Regional Charters for Sustainable ...
This book titled “International Ecotourism: Environmental Rules & Regulations†covers covenant multilateral environmental environmental agreements reflecting a lot on the future evolution of global regime for ecotourism. The first chapter of this book deals with various significant UN resolutions over nature, natural resources and heritage of global significance, Chapter 2 deals with global environmental guidelines for migratory species, endangered ...
The growing popularity of the book among the post-graduate students and researches in the history of India is evidenced by the ever increasing correspondence of the editor with them as also by the challenge of press review from scholars from various parts of the country. The editor highly appreciate comments on and critical evaluation of this books by those interested in the subject; he always bears in mind their valuable suggestion for qualitative improvement of ...
India’s coastal and ocean space management is a matter of great national importance. As India’s control of marine area will surpass its land territory soon, its focus has to also shift towards possible sustainable use and development of its maritime territory and coastal areas. A national framework for an integrated coastal and marine area management is yet to arrive. The nation has to put into perspective certain basic things first without which realization ...
Today, Fisheries estimated to provide 16% of the world population's proteins are huge global business, provide income to millions of people, have been, and will continue to be culturally important for many communities as well. This book titles "Fishery Conservation, development and Management" provides an introductory overview of the global initiatives regarding fishery conservation, development and management. Issues and options relating to various ...