Showing all 3 books
The microfinance sector in India has been growing rapidly in both scale and institutional diversity, making it the largest in the world. Indian Microfinance: The Challenges of Rapid Growth is a comprehensive account of various components of the Indian microfinance sector. It provides an overview of the main challenges facing the sector, the progress of its main delivery models, issue relating to there emerging microfinance services of microinsurance and money ...
Microfinance in India: A State of the Sector Report, 2007, is one in a series of annual reports on the microfinance sector in India. It is a comprehensive one-stop document that provides a holistic view of the sector, providing a detailed analysis of its status and future. It highlights recent developments under each of the two main models of microfinance in India -- the SHG and MFI models. Most significantly, it engages with issues of topical interest such as ...