The study analyses the baffling nebulous mass of material with which the epic begins, bringing out the central theme of each of the sub-parvas to provide insights into the Vyasan Vision and the Master’s mastery of his epic art. It helps the reader to understand the intricate web of inter-connections of events and characters so that a clear, logical and intelligible picture emerges of the very involved and confused panorama of the Mahabharata. Parallels from ...
The book has 68 chapters (5147 verses) consisting of twenty-two episodes, many of which contain very interesting sub-tales. The text is overwhelmingly martial It contains the adventures of the horse passing throught various kingdoms. Some kings seized the horse and fought with the escort while some let it pass. Jaimini's composition is also lavishly soaked in bhakti. It is a good example of the blend of the two rasas, bhakti and vira, where even the violence, the ...
The accelerating spread of Mammon worship and commercialization of science, technology and academia, along with crumbling traditional norms have together led to increasing abuse of power in all spheres of life. This book examines the global problem from multiple perspectives. The essays focus on the manner in which people have used power for managing individual, social and environmental aspects of life. The theme of power is explored in a philosophical and ...
Erotic in style and content, this collection unearths the forgotten and lesser known tales of love from the great epic. The narrative is sensuous and often sensual in detail, pulsating with the blood and throb of bodies that breath in unison, in a world particularized by its own mores. Parikshit and sushobhana, Agni and Svaha, Agastya and Lopamudra, and many more lovelorn couples take the reader on a journey through the crosscurrents of physical ...