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India still has a significant and relatively powerful communist movement. In spite of the massive setbacks communist parties have suffered in and since the 2014 national elections, and their general decline during the past decade, the Indian Left is a significant component of the political spectrum. It is represented in virtually every state in the form of trade unions, peasant associations, women s organisations and student unions, and in state legislatures, ...
Irreversible, catastrophic climate change represents the greatest threat to human kind's survival today. Relentlessly rising greenhouse gas emissions are heating up the atmosphere. Planet Earth is hurtling towards disaster, with rapidly melting ice-caps and glaciers, rising sea levels, rainfall pattern changes, and a breakdown of fragile climate balances.
The earth can cope with maximum global warming of 1.5-2 degree C. But temperatures are set to rise way beyond ...
This is an incisive critique of reliance on nuclear weapons for security, both globally and in South Asia. The book addresses a range of issues including the ethics of war, the delusions of deterrence, post-Cold War policies and power equations, and current global security dilemmas. The authors argue that nuclearization has made South Asia the world’s ‘most dangerous place’, eroding the stature of India and Pakistan and distorting their priorities. As the ...
Original documents are of prime importance for understanding history, particularly of the trade union movement right from its incipient stages, when the British created a labour force long before it even thought of industrializing India. Realizing the important of providing scattered documents for scholars, the ICHR published in 24 volumes in the series on Labour Movements in India –Documents with A.R. Desai as the General Editor. This volume is a part of 2 ...