Showing all 6 books
In Naxalbari where it originated, the militant agrarian movement seems to have faded away. But in Central Bihar it has been alive and gathering strength for over three decades since 1968, defying state repression and recurrent episodes of massacres by the feudal elements. This is the region in the eye of the storm, with mushrooming caste-based private armies of upper-caste landlords to counter the upsurge. It is also the arena where the various militant groups ...
Untouchability has been the historical curse of the outcastes of India. But the heart of the matter is that untouchability has also been the root cause of the degraded and degenerating Indian social order. Further, seclusion, deprivation, exploitation and discrimination of the Dalits are historical as well as everyday phenomenon. In the same manner, Dalit protest, revolt and movements are also historical and contemporary processes. Right through the book it has ...
The tribals/Adivasis/the indigenous people have a strong culture and value with which they had organized their social, cultural, economic and political administrations and structures. This is precisely the reason why they continue to remain a distinct people inspite of every attempt by the dominant caste and class to bring them under the 'mainstream'. When the country became independent, the tribals made an agreement with the ruling class that they would become ...