Showing all 4 books
The Coalition Years begins its journey in 1996 and explores the highs and lows that characterized sixteen years of one of the most tumultuous periods in the nation’s political history. It is an insightful account of the larger governance phenomenon in India-coalition politics-as seen through the eyes of one of the chief architects of the post-Congress era of Indian politics.
From the inexplicable defeat of the Congress in the 1996 general elections and the ...
The Dramatic Decade focuses on one of the most fascinating periods in the life of this nation, the decade of the 1970s. This was when India found herself engaging with the true meaning of democracy. The nation displayed her commitment to liberty by extending full support to East Pakistan s struggle for independence. Later, between 1975 and 1977, during the Emergency, she found herself grappling with the limits of personal expression. Finally, in 1977, India saw ...
This publication (in 2 volumes) is not only a short history of the Indian National Congress but to a considerable extent the history of the Indian people. These volumes give us a glimpse of how the Congress, over the past 125 years, traversed the path of Indian nation-building through extremely difficult challenges, both external and internal. This glorious history should serve as a guide and an anchor in helping the country negotiate future challenges.