Prasanna Kumar Acharya

Showing all 10 books
Architecture and sculpture, both sacred and secular, through, have witnessed the best of human imagination and innovation serving culture and civilization in their evolution all over the world. Coming to the present generation, while the global necessity is protection of the nature, sustainable development and eco-friendly creations and constructions, the artists, sculptors and architects in the east and the west have started rediscovering the classic oriental ...
The city, be it Mohenjo-Daro the earliest or Chandigarh the latest, has held Man in thrall from the time it came into existence. Its public edifices, private mansions, lofty shrines, renowned schools, famous monasteries, crowded haunts and popular festivals have attracted poeople from far and wide. The Indians of old Hindus, Buddhists and Jains were aware that the city is the embryo of culture and civilization; for it provided the impetus to poets, dramatists, ...
P.K. Acharya's An Encyclopaedia of Hindu Architecture is a comprehensive work on the technical terminology, now obsolete but then in vogue, of the creators of such epics in stone as those of Sanchi and Konark during the ancient and medieval periods of Indian history. It contains about three thousand terms culled, with indefatigable industry spread over a long span of years, from ancient architectural treatises-Manasara, and Vastu-sastras-, Agamas, Puranas, ...
Lexicography, whatever be its field and scope, is eschewed by erudite scholars; for its demands of them nothing short of omniscience. The fact that Prof. P.K. Acharya became one in his own sphere is itself sufficient to vouchsafe the merits of his Dictionary of Hindu Architecture. Dictionaries, in general, include technical terms only when these become commonplace. There is always a need for a dictionary which can illumine, technical terms. This dictionary ...
This volume entitled Indian Architecture according to Manasara-Silpasastra is the second in the series of Professor P.K. Acharya's Manasara Series. Here he has discussed exhaustively the question, waht is Manasara? An understanding of this term Manasara is essential; for buildings are the yard-sticks by which the achievements and standards of living of bygone ages can be correctly evaluated. But this term defies elucidation; for it not only embraces all ...
The ancient monuments of India possess that quality of leaving a lasting impact on the mind of the beholder and awakening his spirit. Their irresistible appeal has resulted in the creation of a vast literature dealing mostly with their aesthetic aspects. The technical aspect was neglected; for information on this subject was scarce and available only in the manuscripts with private owners scattered all over India. Undaunted by the dismal prospect before him, ...
Prasanna Kumar Acharya's Architecture of Manasara is the fourth volume in the Manasara series. Here the Sanskrit text, collated from eleven manuscripts, is rendered in English with as much conformity to the original as possible. All aspects of architecture as taught and practised by the ancient builders, whose epics on stone in various parts of India can seen even today, are described in this book. The remarkable attention to detail, which was the outstanding ...
This is the fifth volume in the Architecture of Manasara series by Prasanna Kumar Acharya. It contains well over hundred plates exclusively devoted to the illustration of the text in the other volumes. Every aspect of architecture, from the insignificant one of fixing a peg to the elaborate construction of a multi-storeyed structure, is taken care of. The noteworthy feature is the minute attention and great care lavished in the preparation of drawings to clarify: ...