Prashant S. Iyengar

Showing all 9 books
Ashtanga Yog means "eight-limbed yog" according to Patanjali's system. These limbs are: Yama, Niyama, Asana, Pranayama, Prathyahara, Dharana, Dhyana and Samadhi.
This book is a treasure trove of delights for anybody interested in Philosophy. 'Humanics' is the combined aspect of physics, psychophysics, psychics, meta-psychics and meta-physics of human. The art, science and philosophy of yoga that has remedy, reformation and evolution has bequeathed to man of any age and any era.
The word Yog comes from Sanskrit, an ancient language. It is a derivation of the word Yuj, which means samadhi, as in a team of oxen (union). Yog is said to be the purpose of uniting the mind, body and spirit.
Yog is a science, a faculty, a philosophy, a religion and a culture. The discourses were given for the students, scholars and sadhakas of Yog. The Yogic path shows the way for the upliftment of entire humanity, right from an ordinary individual to the godly ...
Pranayama is a compound word meaning Prana 'Vital Energy' and Ayama 'Control and Regulation'. But it is not basically breath-control or breath-regulation. Pranayama needs a lot of study of breath usages, applications and Addressals by-on-in-with breath. This book provides a classical and traditional approach towards life by breath control with different type of asn