Showing all 7 books
The book is first of its kind and brings together in one place diversified information in a comprehensive manner on agricultural development in Rajasthan. The book gives clear picture of rapid strides made by the State of Rajasthan in the field of agriculture during last 50 years. The book offers a lucid and coherent account of agricultural development of the state which includes trends in land utilization pattern, rainfall pattern, forest area of Rajasthan, ...
Small mammals (Rodents and Insectivores) constitute 31.18% of total mammal species found in India. In spite of their abundance, this largest group among mammals has received little attention of ecologists. From the geomorphological standpoint Rajasthan offers multiple possibilities. The Aravallis diagonally bisect the state into western arid and eastrn semi-arid and mesic zones. The southern and southeastern parts of state have various rock systems. Present book ...
“Food nutrition and environmental security†symbolizes the three basic needs which any cultivated society must guarantee to its people. Attaining food security has been the major objective for the entire nation since independence. Thanks to cutting edge of science, strong political will coupled with appropriate policies interventions and the hard labour of farmers of India since independence achieved four fold increase in food grain production as against ...
The concept of sustainable development may simply be comprehended to be refined version of development. Being abundantly available perennial and environmentally safe, the non-conventional energy resources have the potential to set forth a sustainable and equitable socio-economic development in the country. Renewable energy is seen as an effective option for ensuring access to modern energy services in our vast country. In addition, it also provides a degree of ...
Value addition to food products has assumed vital importance in our country due to diversity in socio-economic conditions, industrial growth, urbanization and globalization. It is not merely to satisfy producers and processors by way of higher monitory return but also with better taste and nutrition. Value is added by changing their form, colour and other such methods to increase the shelf life of perishables. Hence, there is a great scope to extend requisite ...