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Most animals on earth are insects. There are about 800,000 species of animals and about 1 million are insects. That is 80 per cent of all animals. Insects have been on Earth for a very long time. Fossils show that insects were here 350 million years ago. Insects have 3 body parts, 2 antennae and 6 jointed legs. Most adult insects have wings. Flied only have 2 wings. All wings and legs are attached to the thorax body part. All insects are covered by an ...
Aquatic insects can be found in nearly any habitat from small temporary pools to large lakes and small springs to large rivers. Some of the more extreme habitats in which aquatic insects can be found include highly saline waters, pools of petroleum, sewage treatment plant lagoons and hot springs. Within a water body, aquatic invertebrates inhabit a variety of habitats. In lentic or standing waters, aquatic insects occur at the bottoms of deep lakes (i.e. ...