Praveen Kumar

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The book is a modest attempt to understand the linkages between associational life and democracy from an Indian perspective. The discourse on associational living and democracy has been looked at largely in the context of western liberal values. The literature with respect to the latter aspect is numerous and also provides valuable theoretical insight and empirical evidences towards the fact that the intermediary associations help enrich democratic values, even ...
Agriculture once considered as a noble profession, now is largely being perceived as disillusionment by the farming community. No doubt the production has increased, but it has cost us heavily. The productivity at the demonstration plots of research institutes is good; but in farmer's field, story is something different. Still we have not been able to come up with the extreme poverty and hunger. A series of reports after reports have highlighted the tragic facts ...
Recent trends and future prospects provides an indepth analysis of mass communication in terms of its present problems and future chances. An introductory overview on the said subject is given in this book. Various tools and techniques of effective communication are discussed briefly. A case study of India's traditional media and its impact on effective communication is presented. Scope of specialized communication as a part of media management is dealt at ...
Theory and Practice of Modern Journalism" is a compilation of elucidations of prominent newsmen, reporters and editors on various issues, concepts, techniques and methods as are evident in journalism nowadays. Today, the word journalism conveys more than newspapers and magazines. Technological advances have expanded the word journalism to include radio, film, television and the internet. The new information technology has resulted in revolutionary changes in ...
The skill of communication is rarely an inherited gift. The majority of us, not blessed with instinctive flair, can nevertheless develop the ability. It is not easy and it needs hard work. It depends partly one acquiring an understanding of technique. It depends also on practical development of competence and confidence, either through on the job coaching by sensitive management or more often off the job in some sort of seminars, workshops etc., in which it can ...
History of Media and Mass Communication is a huge topic which is impossible to compile in just two or three hundred pages. The authors have tried to give a brief and concise introduction to history of journalism through this book. There are a number of books on Media and Mass communication available in the market for use of the students. It is the experience of the author that still there is some gap in connecting the chain of history of Media and Mass ...
Police police the people. Who police the police? How? The answer lies in ‘Policing the Polcie’. As the author says in an article in this work, “Policing the police involves self-policingâ€. This work delves deeply on this core aspect of policing and lays bare the extant Indian Police setup, sheath by sheath, with the precision of a master surgeon, only to rebuild it from the scratches with the right essence of professionalism, commitment and zeal. It ...