Showing all 3 books
Encyclopedia of mind (as it is) is a compilation of two source books of Materia Medica. During last 7 years of author homeopathic practice, to arrive at the simillimum, he used to refer to Allen`s Encyclopedia a lot, but referring to all the volumes was a cumbersome task, CARA homeopathic software, has made the job a lot easier, but always felt the need of having a book of this kind. All the symptoms contained here are extracted from the original source books. ...
Homeopathy is an art they say, besides being a science. The art part of it is concerned with the application of the principles. The 'principles' that lead to selecting of the similimum is based on collecting the history and gathering the traits of a person. The 'Traits' are narrated by the patient, deduced from incidences in history and observed by the physician (aphorism no. 90). Observations gains importance to assess the traits of individual who cannot narrate ...
This book Easy & simple remedy keynotes is a collection of remedy keynotes from various materia medical, and includes 216 remedies, which are included in the syllabus for the graduation of homeopathy. This will come as handy for students for their theory and viva exams. For practitioners this book will serve as a ready reference for fast prescribing as key prescribing points are mentioned for each remedy.