Pravin Chandra Trivedi

Showing all 21 books
The role of microorganisms in maintaining the dynamic equilibrium and integrity of biosphere is so critical that the continued existence of life is dependent on the sustained microbially mediated transformation of terrestrial, aquatic and atmospheric environments. Use of biofertilizers, biopesticides and biological nitrogen fixation have opened new vistas for sustainable management of available resources and have provided impetus to crop production.This book ...
Pollution is the contamination of the physical and biological components of the earth/atmosphere system to such an extent that normal environmental processes are adversely affected. Bioremediation is an option that offers the possibility to destroy or render harmless various contaminants using natural biological activity. Some examples of bioremediation technologies are bioventing, land farming, bioreactor, composting, bioaugmentation, rhizofiltration and ...
In India, more than 1800 plants belonging to different families of Angiospserms are used for their therapeutic efficacy. There are still big gaps in the work of completing an exhaustive inventory of the medicinal plants of India. There is at the moment no exhaustive and reliable inventory available of all the medicinal plants of India used by all the different ethnic communities in different ecosystems.The present book “Ethnic Tribes and Medicinal ...
Almost 65% of the world's population have incorporated traditional system of medicine in their primary modality of health care. Now the medicinal plant sector has gained both scientific and social support, the herbal industries are playing a major source of capitalization in both developed and developing countries.The present book Drugs from Plants" contain 18 chapters covering information on medicinal plants and their utilization with special reference ...
The changed agricultural scenario has to focus our attention on way is to check plant diseases, cut crop losses, avoid-wide fluctuations in productions and sustain the higher levels of productivity. The issue facing agricultural and in particular disease control is, therefore, managing the plant disease severity below the economic threshold following ecologically safe, economically viable and easily operational procedures. The integrated disease management (IDM) ...
The knowledge of herbal medicine has expanded a lot in recent years. This second edition of the book "Herbal Drugs and Biotechnology" contains 23 chapters on different aspects of medicinal plant having biotechnological approaches. Current information have been added as and where required, besides adding six new chapters in this second edition. Articles on traditional herbal medicines; phytochemical and antimicrobial studies; plants used in ...
Nematodes represent a unique challenge to agricultural research, in that they combine the potential for serious reductions in growth and yield in a wide range of crop plants, often with rather nonspecific and easily misdiagnosed symptoms. Development of the concept of pest management and their implementation have led to a greater appreciation of the need for a wide range of tactics for nematode control. The present book "Nematode management in Plants" ...
Although, the science of seed biology had early beginnings, the technological aspects started in mid of nineteenth century. While most of the developments have taken place in the present century. The subject has undergone several diversifications and has acquired significant importance on account of its association with the supply of high quality planting material. So far as the publication of consolidated dat is concerned, the subject is till in infancy. The ...
The twenty-first century will be a century of biotechnology and biological innovation will surely flourish, in which the R & D of algal biology will make new contributions towards the economic development, especially in the field of development and utilisation of new energy resources. With the phenomenal increase in the world population and industrial growth in the past few decades, some of the major problems of a basic nature confronting mankind are those of ...
This book, Advances in Pteridology, provides a comprehensive and critical review of the work done in different areas of Pteridology including systematics, morphology, anatomy, reproductive biology, phytochemical study, biodiversity conservation and ethnomedicinal pteridophytes. The book contains 19 chapters covering detailed classifications of ferns and reproductive biology of homosporous ferns and excellent accounts of genus Selaginella, Marsilea, Isoetes, ...
Ethnobotany is the study of plant-human interaction in a given environment. Ethnobotanical studies assume great importance in enhancing our knowledge about plants grown and used by native tribal communities, the rich diversity assembled by them for their sustenance and different means adopted by them for its preservation and conservation. The traditional knowledge system in India is fast eroding. There is an urgent need to inventories and record all ...
Microbiologist have made significant contributions to basic biological sciences as well as in the applied areas of public health and medical sciences, agriculture, industry and environmental sciences. The most dramatic current development in applied microbiology is due to development of genetic engineering and recombinant DNA technology. The book "Advances in Microbiology" provides a comprehensive and critical review of the work done on different areas ...
Plant parasitic nematodes are one of the least understood agricultural pest problems throughout the world. Science of plant nematology has grown rapidly is the last three decades. There is a wide gap between the vast information generated for nematode control and that, which is actually utilised. The present book "Advances in Nematology" provides an authoritative review account of many aspects of current interest and progress in the field of plant ...
PESTS still account for about 35 per cent loss of agricultural yield notwithstanding losses due to heavy application of chemicals. Biointensive integrated pest management, in which greater emphasis is given to biocontrol, is perhaps, the need of the hour for tackling many such situations, research efforts concentrated on identifying more effective and specific identifying more effective and specific bioagents suitable under adverse and different environmental ...
The present book, Glimpses in Plant Sciences and Biotechnology, provides information about contemporary biological research and will give a sense of the importance of plants in modern society. The book contains 20 articles on the varied aspects of Plant Sciences. Articles on the application of biotechnology includes gene cloning vectors, edible vaccines, AM fungal biotechnology, in vitro production of alkaloids, micropropagation of ornamental plants and in vitro ...
India has one of the oldest, richest and most diverse cultural traditions called ‘folk tradition’ associated with the use of medicinal herbs. Traditional folk medicine is the application of indigenous beliefs, knowledge, skills and cultural practices concerned with human health. The ethnic people have provided several miracle plants of medicinal value to modern civilization. The present book, Ethnomedicinal Plants, contains 15 articles on different aspects of ...
The quest for good health and immortality has been a continuous human endeavour since the beginning of civilisation throughout the world. Plants have been used as a source of medicine by men from ancient times. Initially, these formed the bulk of folk or ethnomedicine, practised in India and some other parts of the world. Later, a considerable part of this indigenous knowledge was formulated, documented and eventually passed into the organised systems of ...
Pollution involves so many different factors from so many sources that there is no single or simple remedy. Pollution is an evil which has born out of development. Mankind will perish if the protection of the environment does not become an integral part of all technological development, planning and management. All planning and policies for development of appropriate environmental technologies for sustainable development have to be economically viable and ...
Organic farming is a crop production system that avoids the use of synthetic and chemical inputs like fertilizers, pesticides, growth regulators and livestock feed additives. Indiscriminate use of synthetic chemicals and the problems arising from them forced us to think about the alternative means. Organic manures such as farmyard manure, compost, vermicompost, biofertilizers, biopestcides, etc. can be used at least as complement, if not a substitute. The present ...