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India might not admit it, but should it find itself involved in a border war with China it will lose. Apart from superior military power, close coordination between the political leadership and the military and the ability to take quick decisions, China has potent anti satellite and cyber warfare capabilities. Even more shockingly, regardless of popular opinion, India today is not even in a position to win a war against Pakistan. This has nothing to do with ...
These are only four of the ten popular ‘myths’ surrounding India’s national security that the author systematically shatters in this unusual, topical and forcefully argued book. The author maintains that there is a vast separation between how things are and what they are thought to be, between the military and defence policy making, between defence analysts and the ground realities. This book constitutes the author’s "search" for the ground ...
Close on the heels of the October 2001 terrorist strike outside the Jammu and Kashmir Assembly in which 29 people were killed and the attack by militants upon the Indian Parliament in December 2001, the government of India launched Operation Parakram- a general mobilization of the army to prepare for a war against Pakistan. When Parakram was called off in October 2002 without most of its professed objectives being met, it left many questions unanswered. Among ...