Premanand Gajvee writes with a fierce urge to expose unspoken histories and set right historical wrongs. His plays, never complex,have the unerring ability to unsettle and move the reader,and compel us to reckon with discomfiting realities.The three plays translated from Marathi in this collectioneach representing a distinct style in Gajvees oeuvreprobe contentious questions of contemporary relevance, often evoking widespread debate.The one-act Ghotbhar Pani (A ...
Premanand Gajvee tells the story of a little-known sect of Brahmans known as 'kirwants' whose religious duty it is to perform the last rites at cremations. Marginalized by the entire community in general, and the Brahmans in particular, kirwants are treated like polluting outcastes. Based on a personal experience that occurred as recently as the 1980s, this play, which deals savagely with a subject carefully kept under wraps, is a severe indictment of an inhuman ...