Showing all 3 books
Developing Nations bear the greatest burden of infectious disease and have limitations on the food front as well. These two situations work synergistically to put a lot of stress on the physical growth of children living in the developings world thus impinging on their health, survival and habitual physical activity. Professor Amartya Sen, the Nobel Prize winner in Economics in 1998 dedicated his efforts to work on the welfare economics by correlating the health ...
Gender Disparity : Manifestations, Causes and Implications is aimed, as it is evident from the title, at studying different dimensions of gender bias, their causes and implications. The issue of gender differences has recently drawn the attention of the world because of the World Bank, the IMF, the ADB and other international development organizations have given much importance to this issue realizing that the uniform development of any country or region is not ...
West Bengal is a state in Eastern India, which occupies only 2.7 percent of the total area of the country. It supports over 7.8 percent Indian population, and is the most densely populated state in India seventy-two percent of the state's population lives in villages. West Bengal has some interesting similarities with Kerala in that the two are the most densely populated states of India having a long tradition of emphasis on education and a long period of rule by ...