Showing all 2 books
When Pemendra Mitra's legendary Ghanashyam Das--Ghana-da to everyone--first appeared in the story 'Mosquito' ('Mosha') in 1945 he took the Bengali literary world by storm. As Mitra churned out 'Insect', 'Pebble', 'Glass', 'Fish', and a host of other stories in the following years, it was apparent that Ghana-Da had become a bit of a cult. Here was a character whose very appearance and personality would forever be associated with tall tales. This lanky raconteur ...
This representative collection of short fiction by Premendra Mitra, one of the most important names in modern Bengali literature, unfolds a world which is chilling in its bleakness, yet leavened with humour and compassion: a world populated by members of a degenerate and impoverished aristocracy, petty criminals and clerks, and the embittered, frustrated middle classes. The people of this expressionistic landscape live in ruined, dark, ghostly mansions or in ...