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The present book Shri Tripura-rahasyam is a celebrated Tantric Text widely respected all over the country. Specially its Jnana-Khanda deals in detail the concept of Chiti i.e. the human consciousness. According to this book 'Chiti' or 'Para-chit' is none other than the goddess Tripura, considered to be the highest reality. The whole of the Shri Tripura-rahasyam is full of dis-courses o the cocept of chiti by the renowned sage Dattatreya. It consists of 22 ...
It is the book on the Vedas dealing with Modern Topic dealing with Modern Topic 'Socialism' giving stress on the social aspect of life. Generally people think that the Vedas are more or less the religious text, but it is not so. No doubt these are the books of prayer to gods, more or less the Natural forces. The Vedas advocate the happy and prosperous life in the world for themselves and for others around them. It is only possible by the fair distribution of ...
The different works known by the name of Puranas (od old) are evidently derived from the myth-heroic stage of Hindu belief. The Puranas are commonly stated to be eighteen in number. It is said there are also eighteen Upa-Puranas or Minor Puranas-but the names of all these are not found. The principal eighteen Puranas are Brahma, Padma, Visnu, Siva, Bhagvata, Naradiya, Markandeya, Agni, Bhavisya, Brahma Vaivarta, Linga, Varaha, Skanda, Vamana, Kurma, Matsya, ...
The different works known by the name of Puranas (od old) are evidently derived from the myth-heroic stage of Hindu belief. The Puranas are commonly stated to be eighteen in number. It is said there are also eighteen Upa-Puranas or Minor Puranas-but the names of all these are not found. The principal eighteen Puranas are Brahma, Padma, Visnu, Siva, Bhagvata, Naradiya, Markandeya, Agni, Bhavisya, Brahma Vaivarta, Linga, Varaha, Skanda, Vamana, Kurma, Matsya, ...
The present work has a special merit of its own. This Silpa-Sastra with its Oriya commentary is still consulted by the Silpins of orissa, where even now a large number of artists can be found. These artists posses numerous palm-leaf manuscripts which deal mainly with the Silpa principles. It is better to call it vastu Ssatra, because the book deals with the building of Houses, examination of land so on. The name Silpa-Sastra has been taken here in a general sense ...
The present edition of the natya- sastra of Bharata is reprinted and edited a new form. The English translation of Natya-Sastra by M.M. Ghosh was published hundred years before. It was well received by the scholars at that time and was considered the best. Now, first time with the translation of M.M. Ghosh, alongwith the Abhinava Bharti-the celebrated oldest commentary by erudite scholars Acarya Abhinava Gupta is being published for the 21st century scholars for ...
Some hold that Bhagavata is a Maha Purana and Devi Bhagavata is an Uppurana, while others think vise versa. Similar is the case with the Vayu Purana and the Siva Purana. We are not indulging ourselves in this discussion and only say that though the number is said to be eighteen but there are twenty books (Puranas) which come under the title of Mahapuranas. This question has been a bone of contention between the Vaisnavas and the Saktas during ...
The present book Introduction to Tantras and their Philosophy is an exhaustive treatment of the Tantras, their religion, philosophy and sadhana etc. The Tantras are ritual, religious authorities after the Vedas and Dharmasastras including Puranas. It is considered that by Practising Tantric form of Sadhana, both worldly prosperity and final salvation are achieved, through the Tantras have been considered by some scholars as contrary to Vedic religion. The book ...