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The Adyar Libary and Research Centre was founded in 1886 by Henry Steel Olcott, first President of the Theosophical Society, for research in Eastern Civilization, philosophy and Religion. Its aim is to promote understanding among the proples of the world respective cultures.
The collections of the Library consist of about 18,000 manuscripts, containi9ng about 45,000 works, both palm-leaf and paper, and some 2,00,000 printed volumes. The manuscripts are mostly ...
Lalita, a form of Tripurasundari, Hindu deity, is a major goddess in the Hindu pantheon: she belongs to the group of ten Mahavidyas i.e. manifestations of the primordial energy deified as the mother goddess known as Sakti. Saktism, the cult devoted to Her, embodies different traditions of worship, viz Samayacara, Vamacara, Cinacara, etc. As it is learnt from traditional lores, Agastya, an ancient sage, has introduced the Samayacara tradition of the worship of ...