R C Majumdar

Showing all 9 books
This is a comprehensive, intelligible and interesting portrait of Ancient Indian History and Civilization from a national historical point of view. The work is divided into three broad divisions of the natural course of cultural development in Ancient India: (1) From the prehistoric age to 600 B.C., (2) From 600 B.C. to 300 A.D., (3) From 300 A.D. to 1200 A.D.
The work describes the political, economic, religious and cultural conditions of the country, the ...
The Readings in the Political History of India by the savant, it is hoped, will reveal his personality much better than his several voluminous publications since they contain his various thoughts and line of argument on several topics as they appeared first in the form of articles in many learned journals whose back issues are not available at all; in fact, many of them have become defunct. No one interested in Indian history can afford to miss them.
Lectures delivered under Sir William Meyer (endowment) lectureship, 1942-43, at University of Madras in July 1942.
This book The History of Bengal is presented in two volumes. Vol. I containing 17 chapters covers the Hindu Period and is profusely illustrated with maps and plates. This Volume is edited by Prof. R.C. Majumdar who served as Vice-Chancellor of the Dacca University. Vol. II edited by Sir Jadunath Sarkar, Ex-Vice-Chancellor of Calcutta University contains 26 chapters and covers the history of Bengal during 12..-1757 A.D. Starting from Muslim Conquest of Bengal and ...
This book is looked upon as the standard reference and text on the subject all over the world. Future alone can positively establish whether the "History of Freedom Movement in India" is the magnum opus of the world-renowned historian. As publishers, we feel proud that it has been possible to complete the revised edition of the trilogy in the life time of the author in his late eighties. The task was big and painstaking. It was most admirable how Dr. ...
The study of Indian civilization must be regarded imperfect so long as we do not take into account the achievements of Indians in the South East Asian Regions. The study of Greater India is bound to be of absorbing interest to every student of history. But very little has been written in English on the subject, the only exceptions being the monumental contributions of Dr. R.C. Majumdar. The present volume deals with the ancient history and civilization of Champa, ...
Suvarnadvipa comprises Malay Penninsula and Sumatra, Java, Borneo and Bali islands. These places came under the influence of Indian civilization, in remote past and gradually flourished into powerful empires, rich both in material attainments and cultural refinements. The history and cultural of these places are both interesting and instructive. Apart from the importance of these regions in themselves, the study of Indian civilization must be regarded imperfect ...
The first volume of the history begins with an introductory section dealing with certain general topics bearing upon the history of India as a whole, and proceeds with a short account of the geological, geographical, and biological background of primitive man. This setting of the stage is followed by a study of the peoples who played their part therein. In the absence of any written record, the knowledge of their history and culture is based on archaeological ...