R C Sharma

38 books
The book entitled "Diseases of Vegetable, Ornamental and Spice crops" is specifically prepared for under-graduate and post-graduate students in Agriculture/Horticulture and a range of professionals including teachers, researchers, extension plant pathologists and commercial farmers. This book contains a total of twenty five chapters dealing with important diseases of vegetables, ornamentals and spices. Each disease entry includes a brief introduction to ...
The monograph introduces the remains of a legendry stupa of the Sunga period (2nd century B.C.), which once stood near the village Bharhut in Madhya Pradesh. Since 1876 these antiquarian gems are the prized possession of the Indian Museum, Calcutta. The author in his capacity as Director of that museum had the opportunity to study them afresh and reassess their cultural and artistic merits. The renowned scholar Dr. Mulk Raj Anand in his capacity as 'Visitor' to ...
Fruit plant diseases often are the worst natural hazards in horticulture. New diseases and new biotypes of existing disease-producing organisms appear from time to time in a more virulent form. With the liberalization of import and export of large quantities of horticultural planting materials, the risk of spread of diseases into new areas has also increased. The most startling aspect of fruit plant diseases is that their control cost us a huge sum every year ...
The present fauna of India, volume on lizards, which is second in the series of 3 volumes on Reptilia by him (earlier one being on Testudines and Crocodilians), comprises the comprehensive and profusely illustrate taxonomic account with additional knowledge of natural history and other biological data so far available on all the known species inhabiting the Republic of India, Bhutan, Bangladesh, Burma, Sri Lanka, and Pakistan. The phylogeny, exact distribution in ...
Kalatattvakosa series has endeavoured to evolve an important modern device to grasp the essential thought and knowledge system of the Indian tradition. Through an in-depth investigation into the primary sources of various disciplines, the series aims at facilitating the reader to comprehend the interlocking of different disciplines. The present volume is the manifestation of the vicaragni (fire of thoughts), kindled by the earlier seers and continued by later ...
Information on diseases of vegetables, ornamentals and mushrooms is scattered in many research papers, reviews, bulletins and books. Thus, the present book Diseases of Horticultural Crops: Vegetables, Ornamentals and Mushrooms fills the needs to have in one volume information on etiology, symptomatology, epidemiology and management of diseases affecting these crops. The information contained in this volume will be an asset ot researchers, teachers and students ...
In the present paper the meristic variations in various characters in series of examples of 43 species have been summarised in a tabular form (Tables 1-43) and the frequency percentages of their scale and certain other characters have been studied. The work is based on the detailed studies on the reptile material available in the Zoological Survey of India, Calcutta from the various localities of Peninsular India viz. Andhra Pradesh, Goa, Kerala, Madhya Pradesh, ...
"This book forms Volume one of the Fauna of India, Reptilia and covers the Indian Region. It deals first with the general introduction which includes a brief history of the progress in the reptile taxonomy, brief characters, phylogeny, geographical distribution, zoogeography, historical review and classification used, etc. Also included are the descriptions of characters and the systematic accounts of 23 genera, 51 species and subspecies of Testudines and ...
The Thar has been immortalised in history as Maroosthali, the harsh, hostile and merciless land. This name derives from 'marho', the local term for the alluvium rich depressions between the sandy ridges, and 'thali' means land. The 'marho' act as drainage basins during the sudden seasonal downpours, thereby encouraging the characteristic nuclear settlements of the desert. Down the centuries, visitors have romanticised this Great Indian Desert. But for the local ...
Education is a continuing process. It undergoes drastic changes with the passage of time in the light of contemporary changes and developments. Professional education is most prone to this process. With the development in science and technology professional education has changed, transformed and emerged as challenging task. In the light of recent miraculous inventions and discoveries professional education has to meet the current challenges accordingly. As such ...
The year 1967 turned out to be a watershed in Indian politics. Riding on the crest of mounting non-Congressism, non-Congress coalitions in the form of Samyukta Vidhayak Dal governments were formed in several states. They had ideological heterogeneity. The exceptions were coalitions in West Bengal and Kerala. The coalition in West Bengal was an alliance of left parties whereas in Kerala there was a coalition government of left and democratic front. The Samyukta ...
Creative intelligence and educational development of children is a matter of great importance. Unfortunately very few studies have been taken up in India. It is very difficult to understand the children’s mind, as they are unable to express their sentiments, feelings, or thinking in words. The scientists are every day evolving new theories and hypotheses claiming to understand the child’s mind a little better than others. Always something new and unexpected ...
Education is the backbone of any society because it ensures progress and development. The Government of India has shown its commitment to progress by introducing many new programmes to ensure education for all, especially children. Beginning with elementary education, formal and non-formal education, secondary and Navodaya Vidyalayas, and various streams of higher, vocational, technical and management education, our government has provided for all round education ...
Since the publication of Malcolm Smith’s "The Fauna of British India-Reptilia and Amphibia", in 3 Volumes (1931-1943), the taxonomic research and related knowledge in the subject has increased considerably. This warranted me to rewrite the complete reptile fauna of the Indian Region. I have already completed the work on Testudines, Crocodilians and Lizards in previous two "Handbooks". The present book is the third in the series and deals ...
The life and work of Mahatma Gandhi have had a considerable influence on the Environmental Movement in India. This book is an attempt to give emphasis on the importance of Gandhian Concept of Environmentalism in finding out the solution of contemporary environmental crisis.
The present work is the outcome of an International Conference on “Buddhism and Gandhara Art†organized in the joint collaboration of the Indian Institute of Advanced Study, Shimla and Jnana-Pravaha – Centre for Cultural Studies, Varanasi. The idea evolved at the juncture when the then Taliban government of Afghanistan was bent upon destroying the marvelous creations of Gandhara art including the great Bamiyan ...