R C Srivastava

Showing all 18 books
This is the first book on the butterflies of the Andaman and Nicobar Islands. Over a hundred species are featured in colour along with the eggs, caterpillars and pupae of many of them. It should help catalyze the spread of butterfly literacy on the islands and will be of use to the amateur as well as the professional whether entomologist ecologist or wildlife biologist.
Contents: Preface. 1. The Islands. 2. Island groups. 3. Tectonics and biogeography. 4. ...
This book covers the entire field of entomology, step by step, in the form of questions and answers to be specifically useful for interviews, viva-voce, comprehensive, preliminary examinations, etc. It included insect origin, morphology, toxicology, ecology, biocontrol, hormones, pheromone, crop pests, pest management, apiculture, sericulture, lac culture, plant protection equipments, etc. It will be of great help in recollecting vast knowledge within a short ...
This book covers the entire field of entomology, step by step, in the form of questions and answers to be specifically useful for interviews, viva-voce, comprehensive, preliminary examinations, etc. It included insect origin, morphology, toxicology, ecology, biocontrol, hormones, pheromone, crop pests, pest management, apiculture, sericulture, lac culture, plant protection equipments, etc. It will be of great help in recollecting vast knowledge within a short ...
Fish-mycopathology is the discipline of science which deals with the fish diseases caused by fungal pathogens (Fish-mycceses). Although the studies in this field started as early as 1777 but even now many phases of it have not been investigated. From Indian waters very little was known about the fish-fungus complex prior to the studies conducted but the author. Our studies in this field since 1973 have revealed that in Indian fresh-water fisheries, the fungi ...
Malpighiaceae - the family of common Indian Madhvilata, is one of the largest families in plant kingdom with about 65 genera and ca 1300 species. But comparatively it has not been worked out satisfactorily. After Niedenzu (1928) no detailed study on this family has come out except for sporadic publications on regional basis. The family has certain features of special interest by which it can easily be recognised. The plants of this family have been put to ...
Denzong or Sikkim - the tiny but pretty Eastern Himalayan state is a botanical paradise. It is one the floristically richest regions of the Indian Union. Its unique phytogeographical situation, topography and the high degree of precipitation, have resulted in enormous plant diversity. Within its 7300 sq km area, about one third species of the Indian Flora are represented. It falls under the hot-spots of one of the megadiversity centres (Eastern Himalaya) on ...
This book covers the entire field of entomology, step by step, in the form of questions and answers to be specifically useful for interviews, viva-voce, comprehensive, preliminary examinations, etc. It includes insect origin, morphology, taxonomy, anatomy, physiology, toxicology, ecology, biocontrol, hormones, pheromone, crop pests, pest management, apiculture, sericulture, lac culture, plant protection equipments, etc. It will be of great help in recollecting ...
This volume a collection of selected published and unpublished research papers and articles of the author would be of interest to persons involved with education in different capacities such as students, teachers, administrators and researchers at all levels of education school and college as it covers a wide area of the educational scenario and provides both theoretical and practical orientation to the problems and issues discussed. Dealing with such a varied ...
The State of Chhattisgarh is one of the botanically richest and interesting tegions of the country. Although the floristic account of the erstwhile Madhya Pradesh state was brought put based on exploration of 28 (out of 45) districts only, the region under Chhattisgarh was explored by the authors. After the reorganization, the floristic account of the state is not yet published. Present attempt is first in this direction. In this work, taxanomic account of 99 ...
The book is the first publication on plant resources of the Uttar Pradesh State of India. It is based on survey and exploration work conducted by the author and scrutiny of the literature since 1980. It provides an updated account of the physiography, rivers, lake soils, minerals, population, forest, biodiversity, earlier work and the plant resources in particular. The bibliography provides up to date references of the work done on the floristic diversity of the ...
This book covers the entire field of entomology, step by step in the form of questions and answers to be specially useful for interviews, viva-voce, comprehensive, preliminary examinations, etc. It includes insect origin, morphology, taxonomy, anatomy, physiology, toxicology, ecology, biocontrol, hormones, pheromone, crop pests, pest management, apiculture, sericulture, lac culture, plant protection equipments, etc. It will be of great help in recollecting ...
This book is the outcome of the hard work of Dr. Anis Ahmad Ansari, which earned him the Ph. D. degree of Gorakhpur University. It is the first book on the flowering plants of this region of the Uttar Pradesh State. It will be of much use to the foresters and researchers as well.