Showing all 4 books
The book Drip and Sprinkler Irrigation is intended as a text book of micro irrigation design and practices for the students of the agricultural sciences and the professionals and workers in the field of micro irrigation. The book discusses the type and components, hydraulics and design, installation and maintenance of micro irrigation system. It contains good number of numerical as example and task to get the students familiar to the requirements, complicacies ...
This book Irrigation and Agricultural Drainage Engineering is intended as a source book in the area of irrigation and drainage for the students of agricultural engineering in particular and agricultural science in general. However, this book also may be useful for agricultural extension workers and the professional working in this area. The contents of the book will enable one to acquire some basic requirements which an irrigation and drainage manager must have. ...
Unhappy because her career isn’t taking off, Agnirekha turns vicious, without getting to the root of her problems. The exquisitely beautiful Agnishikha, a girl from Bisrampur comes to Calcutta as the bride of a low ranking government servant. Brought up to be a good and dutiful wife, Agnishikha wants to lead a happy domestic life, but all that changes when she is brutalized by political goons and becomes a pawn in Agnirekha’s reportage. Agnishikha ...