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Though Bengal is proud of having produced the great Vedantin Madhusudana Saraswati in the sixteenth century, Swami Vivekananda lamented in 1888. 'The Vedas may well be said to have fallen quite out of vogue .' And it was Swamiji's desire to revive the study of the Vedas and Vedanta in this part of the country. The present volume, Vedanta in Bengal, by Dr. R. K. DasGupta, is based on twelve thought-provoking lectures given by the author at the Ramakrishna Mission ...
This volume contains its author's lectures at the Ramakrishna Mission Institute of Culture in his capacity as the Institute's Vivekananda Professor of Indology and Indological Research. The author deals with Swami Vivekananda's approach to four of our six systems of philosophy and his observations are based on Swamiji's references to them available in the eight volumes of his Complete Works. As a supplement to this material the author deals with Swami ...
This volume contains its author’s lectures at the Ramakrishna Mission Institute of Culture in his capacity as the Institute’s Vivekananda professor of Indology and Idological Research. The author deals with swami Vivekanada’s approach to four of our six systems of philosophy and his observations are based on Swamiji’s references to them available in the eight volumes of his Completed Works. As a supplement to this material the author deals with Swami ...