Showing all 3 books
This book reveals the thought of Karl Marx and Babasaheb Ambedkar in their real perspective and attempts to compare their thoughts rationally and judiciously. It is, however based on original text by Karl Marx and Babasaheb Ambedkar and learned commentaries by renowned authors on their thoughts. The present generation is presumably in great dilemma as to which philosophy would liberate them from the precarious situation cropped up due to advancing globalization ...
The book Dalit Movement in India and its Leaders reveals the history of Dalit liberation movement in India during 1857 to 1956. It attempts to find out the causes of the origin of inhuman practice of untouchability. The book expounds the history of Dalit liberation, with special emphasis on the Dalit organizations and the role played by the leaders individually and collectively for the liberation of their brethren, and their achievements. It covers all the ...