Showing all 5 books
This book has been written as a manual which looks in to the process of vermicomposting as a viable option to promote sustainable agriculture. There is a global need, which is increasingly making its presence felt, for agriculture to incorporate renewable resources that cause minimum pollution and maintain the optimum yield from land. Vermicomposting, with its characteristics as a renewable source of high nutrient content and nil pollution contribution, presents ...
This book has been written as an agriculture aid for farmer, agronomists and agriculture engineers on the effective practices and methodology of weed control and management. It aims to delineate processes and techniques, both age-old as well as contemporary, which are involved in managing weeds taking special care to take into account the challenges faced by farmers in weed control, such as recurrence, resistance to management techniques and emergence of newer ...
This book has been designed as an introductory manual which serves to acquaint readers with the prospects offered by organic farming in horticulture. Elaborating upon its content based upon extensive market research and analysis of organic farming the book makes an assessment of the factors which are critical to the success of organic horticulture, especially as newer techniques of horticulture farming, based on the latest scientific procedures are being ...