32 books
Since the growth of agriculture has nearly approached a platcau because of dwindling landholdings, over exploutation of soil and water resources and more importantly finite land resources, farmers are most likely being drawn in to focusing more on livestock component of the mixed or integrated farming. On the hindsight, the hill agro ecosystem is more fragile and vulnerable and sustainability with livestock production seems more feasible, ...
Tourism is recognized as a major Global Industry today. Hence, tourism management at full-fledged academic discipline. Both government and private sector have planned tourism as an essential component of their economies. Travel agency is one such organisation in the private sector which plays a key and crucial role in the entire process of developing and promoting tourism.
This book brings to the light valuable information regarding different aspects of Travel ...
Tourism as we understand the term today is of relatively modern origin. It is distinguishable by its mass character from the travel undertaken in the past. The mass movement of people annually from their home location to another country for temporary stay for a few days or weeks is a growth very largely of recent origin. This book is an attempt to study the Growth and Development of Modern Tourism. The content of the book is according to the syllabi of several ...
Environmental pollution has increased alarmingly alongside the human population, urbanisation, industrialisation and changing agricultural practices, largely due to the arbitrary exploitation of natural resources and ignorance of the deleterious side effects. The more apparent forms of environmental degradation are the water, air, noise and solid waste pollution. This book contains 12 chapters on various aspects of such as present scenario of Solid Waste ...
The dawn of the new millennium provided the right opportunity to us at the Centre for Policy Research to reflect back on the achievements and failures after independence, and also to look forward to assess where the country possibly would be by 2025, given the inherent constraints. This book is the product of such an endeavour and is an attempt at unraveling the future contours of the countr's social, economic and political stability. It is not an attempt at ...
There have been revolutionary changes in the global steel scene with fierce competitive pressures on performance, productivity, price reduction and customer satisfaction. National boundaries have melted to encompass an ever increasing world market. Sagging prices have spelt turmoil in the industry. The future is challenging and holds great promise if right steps are taken because of the inherent qualities of steel. The book attempts an in-depth analysis of ...
The term economic development was rarely used before the emergence of independent nations. In the early fifties most economists came to interpret economic development as denoting growth in per capita real income in underdeveloped countries. A few of them considered development as growth plus change-change in values and institutions. They make a distinction between the under development of the natural resources of a country and the economic backwardness of the ...
The Market Economy and the State is an edited volume of selected papers contributed to the technical session "The State and the Market" of the Indian Economic Conference. This is part of the IEA scheme of publishing such volumes from papers contributed for IEA Annual Conference during 1994-2000. The present volume consists altogether 24 articles authored respectively by Asok Basu, Ratan Lal Basu, Chitra Ghose, K.T. Geetha, Biswajit Chatterjee, Santanu ...