R.K. Trivedy

Showing all 14 books
India’s fourteen major 55 minor and several hundred small Rivers receive millions of litres of sewage, industrial and agricultural wastes. Most of these rivers have been rendered to sewage flowing drains. There are serious water quality problems in the towns and villages using this water. Water borne diseases are rampant fisheries is on decline and even cattle are not spared from the onslaught of pollution. The present volume is a compendium of recent research ...
Industry has played a great role in shaping the modern civilization. However, industry is also one of the biggest offenders in environmental degradation. A natural level conference on industry and environment was organized at Y.C. College of Science, Karad during Dec. 28-30, 1999. The book is a collection of selected eighty-three papers presented in the conference and cover a wide range of topics like: Environmental impact assessment. ISO 14000. Wastewater ...
The environmental science is a fast emerging interdisciplinary branch of science which is now introduced at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels in pure and applied sciences. The environmental biology or ecology is the basic study which any environmental scientist has to be acquainted with. As ecology is related to all branches of biology a clear understanding of ecology assumes great significance. Two main groups of ecology can be classified as terrestrial ...
This book is a collection of in-depth articles on topics most relevant to industry today like environment impact assessment, cleaner technologies for industrial production, ISO 14001, hazardous waste management, solid waste management, industrial sludge management, recycling and utilization of industrial waste, risk assessment, noise pollution etc. A number of chapters deal with environmental management in specific industries like foundries, pharmaceuticals ...
Several methods of wastewater treatment – either natural or with minimal engineering inputs – can prove to be very effective as well as cost saving with regard to installation cost, energy requirements and operational requirements. This book discusses several such low cost, low energy intensive and natural methods for waste treatment which rely on use of aquatic plants, animals, soils, ponds, wetlands etc. These technologies are applicable to small, medium ...
The growing interests and concerns about the Environment amongst the population and masses has resulted in the Govt. of India passing and updating various laws and acts, for protecting the Environment from time to time. This two volume handbooks covers, all the gamut of Environment, starting from Indian Constitution and Environment, Institution Mechanism and environmental policy industrial Policy and fiscal incentives for protection of environment, environmental ...
Recent Advances in Wastewater Pollution Research focuses on some of the important areas in this field. The topics covered in the book include: Physico-chemical and microbiological characteristics of freshwater resources, indicator organisms for detecting water pollution, utilization of different categories of wastes in aquaculture and for raising different crops, new techniques of waste management, heavy metal pollution and its management. Eco-friendly and ...
All pollution is taught at length in environmental science, engineering, life sciences, and social science courses. The syllabi of these courses are as vast and varied as the dimensions of the global problem. Consequently there is ever increasing need of information on sources, effects and control of air pollution. The present book is an attempt in this direction and has been particularly written to fill up the visible gaps in the information required by various ...
Environmental Biotechnology has emerged as a very important and promising discipline in the last two decades. Biotechnology has shown a great promise in solving a plethora of environmental problems. This book fills a long felt gap in the field and presents research articles/review papers authored by most active researchers in this area. Broadly the topics covered are: Waste management, Sludge Management, UASB reactor, microbes for heavy metal uptake, SBR ...
Aquatic Weeds: Problems, Control and Management fills a long felt gap in this field. Aquatic weeds have been considered a menace in optimum utilization of our water resources for decades and are directly or indirectly responsible for huge economic losses. Some of the invasive species like water hyacinth have devastated a number of freshwater lakes and rivers in India. A number of research groups in India are working on problems created by aquatic weeds. Their ...