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Human rights and humanitarian law, once clearly distinguishable segments of international law, are increasingly being viewed in an integrated and holistic manner, where the individual has a continuum of protection under human rights law as well as that provided under humanitarian law, as warranted by the specific circumstances. There is a broad space for forging effective linkages between humanitarian assistance and human right programmes. The separate mandates ...
India, the land of mystery, has given a lot in every field of life – social, political, cultural, spiritual, psychological and so on. The grand work of art like Vedas, Upanishads, Puranas, Bhagwat Gita, Mahabharat, Ramayan, Ramcharit Manas and contemporary literature are the fine example of it. Ram, Krishna, Buddha, Mahavir, Dayanand Saraswati, Sur, Tulsi, Kabir, Meera, Gandhi are the gems of this land. Their contribution and guidelines to the welfare of human ...
Psychology is the study of individual characteristics or qualities such as personality, reasoning, thought, intelligence, learning, perception, imagination, memory and creativity. There are two groups of theories or schools of thought. These are cognitive and behavioural there are psychologists who place weight on a triological link. Conceptually it would be better to begin testing at a very young age and follow the children through to adulthood. Ideally the ...