R. Mittal

Showing all 17 books
This book on Monetary Economics which combines within its fold a systematic discussion of institutions, theory and policy concerning money and credit in India. This book analyses the theories of money, income and interest. This discussion on money is quite extensive. It covers the functions and significance of money, the demand for and the supply of money, the theory of money and prices and also the monetary standards. The theory of employment and income ...
Managerial Economics is "the application of economic theory and methodology to business administration practice." Managerial economics is micro-economic in character. Managerial economics largely uses that body of economic concepts and principles which is known as "Theory of the Firm" or Economics of the firm. Managerial economics belong to normative economics rather than positive economics. Macroeconomics is also useful to Managerial ...
The present book though set in questions and answers form is no less than a dependable book covering the vast area of public finance. Theory, Revenue, Debt, Expenditure-all aspects of the subject have been dealt with. This book is meant for the students appearing in degree, honours, and post-graduate examinations in economics and commerce of all Indian Universities besides other competitive examinations. Construction of the chapters and enlisting of questions ...
The Commerce students may be somewhat familiar with the Banking Law and Practice but non-Commerce students will find it quite a new one. Keeping this idea in mind this book will be very helpful to all entrants irrespective of any discipline to understand the subject matter of the paper and will go a long way in securing higher grades. A cursory glance at the heading and sub heading will give an overall picture and will make the students familiar with the subject ...
Written strictly according to the new syllabus for the third year students of B.A.(Pass) and B.Com.(Pass) courses of the University of Delhi and other Indian universities, this book contains twenty five chapters. This book imparts the basic information about the Economic development and planning of India. Some topics such as Industrial Policy, Growth of Saving and Investment, Mobilisation of Financial Resources for the Plans, Agricultural Labour, The Problem of ...