Showing all 3 books
It surveys as many as 550 important archaeological sites and monuments spread all over orissa presenting their location, period of construction, history and past glory to present condition.
Costumes played a dominant role in beautifying human body in all ages. Next to language, it was probably the best item to recognize a group of people belonging to a specific race or living in a Particular society. The present work envisages a study of Orissa's costumes and coiffures from the 1st Century to the beginning of the 16th Century, based on the archaeological evidences and literary corroborations. Orissa, as is well known, is dotted with a large number ...
Archaeological evidences leave us in no doubt that at one time, Jainism flourished in Orissa, inspiring Indian sculptors to create rare works of the art. The discovery of the Udayagiri and Khandagiri caves first revealed to the world this ancient art heritage representing the earliest examples of Jain architecture throughout India. A systematic study of the Jaina monuments of Orissa is attempted in this work. The author, a reputed archaeologist, has sought out ...