R.R. Rao

Showing all 9 books
Keeping in view the immense role of legumes in human welfare, and to take stock of what has been achieved on this important group a National Symposium on 'Advances in Legume Research in India' was held in National Botanical Research Institute, Lucknow during December 15-17, 1998. This national Symposium not only achieved its objectives but also brought together a host of diverse information on this group from a wide array of biological scientists. The present ...
The present Flora is an outcome of intensive botanical exploration in Tons Valley one of the floristically rich Himalayan valley, which may be considered as the gate-way of spectacular Har-ki-Dun glacier in Garhwal Himalaya. Glaring natural beauty, mountainous surroundings, snowy peaks, murmuring perennial rivers with salubrious climate make the valley more spectacular. In spite of these features the area did not receive worthwhile attention of botanists and ...
Continuing with the present series on Flora of India, the editors now take pleasure in presenting the volume on Asteraceae, one of the largest flowering plant families in India, comprising about 1052 taxa in 161 genera (excluding the cultivated ones). In view of its large size the treatment is being presented in two volumes, i.e. Volumes 12 and 13. The entire family is treated under 12 tribes, viz. Anthemideae, Astereae, Calenduleae, Cardueae, Cichorieae, ...
The present publication is the outcome of extensive botanical surveys and first hand field knowledge of the author gained during the course of over 2 decades from various biogeographic zones of the country. The scope of the present publication lies in highlighting the diverse floral resources, distribution of vegetation types and the enormous floristic diversity occurring in 12 biogeographic zones in India. The numerous colour and black and white photographs of ...