Showing all 16 books
China's increasing political, economicn and military influence in South Asia may have a negative impact on democratic development trends but could help stabilise the long-running Indo-Pakistani conflict. China's inceasing strategic presence in South Asia has to be viewed in this global environmrnt. China's moves would undoubtedly contribute to optimize the rapid growth of the vast underserviced South Asian markets while increasing the import of Chinese products. ...
The Flowers of Angiosperms have fascinated both humanists and naturalists for as long. Flowers are the source of love, affection, emotions, Inspiration on one hand, while it is the prime source of Fruits and Seeds that make up the bulk of the world's food Supply has given near-religious significance to flowering in many cultures. This Book provides a simplified description of the flowering at the molecular, biochemical, organelle, cell and organ levels of ...
Water absorption by plants and its subsequent translocation to leaves are passive processes, which do not consume any metabolic energy generated by plants. The absorbed water is evaporated by plants mainly through stomata. This loss of water from the aerial parts of the plant is termed as transpiration and occurs almost entirely through the leaves. The loss of water from a leaf surface takes place mainly through the stomata. The book presents an over all ...
Senescence is a suicidal impulse. It is a programmed cell death occurs universally. Senescence is a genetically programmed sequence of biochemical and physiological changes. The initiation of senescence is subject to regulation by various environmental and autonomous (internal) factors. Plants have evolved mechanisms by which leaf senescence can be induced by many stresses to reallocate nutrients to reproductive organs and to eliminate water consumption by older, ...
The flowers of angiosperms have fascinated both humanists and naturalists for as long. Flowers are the source of love, affection, emotions, inspiration on one hand, while it is the prime source of fruits and seeds that make up the bulk of the world’s food supply has given near-religious significance to flowering in many cultures. This book provides a simplified description of the flowering at the molecular, biochemical, organelle, cell and organ levels of ...
This book provides a simplified description of the photosynthesis at the molecular, biochemical, organelle, cell and organ levels of organization in plants, which contribute to the complex processes. It considers how photosynthesis and biochemistry determines the physiological characteristics of plants and production of dry matter. The text links the fundamentals of light capture by pigment molecules to the generation of high-energy organic molecules and their ...
There are five classes of compounds in the premier division of endogenous plant growth regulators. These are auxins, gibberellins (GAs), cytokinins (CKs) abscisic acid (ABA) and ethylene. Broadly speaking, the auxins and GAs have been classified as regulators of cell elongation, the CKs as regulators of cell division. ABA as a general inhibiting influence and ethylene as a volatile with a finger in numerous "developmental pies". Descriptions such as ...