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The issue of creative personality traits, pertaining to author psychology, has a long tradition in research, extending even into prescientific times. This tradition began in antiquity and set out from an idea, which offers some consolation to those who count as normal namely that creative individuals have to pay somehow for their gift of being a genius. Initially such a price to be paid was a physical deficiency, for instance he blindness of the prophetic eye in ...
The aim of this book is to make a case for regarding the discipline of applied linguistics as a social science. Social theory and applied linguistics, then, share some common areas of interest, although the concepts used by each to discuss these have their own emphases and history. Throughout the book, we shall be considering what each discipline can contribute to our understanding of a number of key questions in the social science. Both disciplines are, in ...
At a more practical applied linguistic level, there have been various attempts to establish an international variety of English (EIL) or a world standard English which English users engaging in international communication should employ to facilitate mutual intelligibility. It is believed that this international variety of English could even supersede the British and American varieties.
Culture is a part of language because the language that has grown with a community has also to some extent been molded to the task of expressing that community's culture. As a result, cultural concepts are embedded in language, and the architecture of each language contains culturally specific features. These include both lexical and grammatical characteristics. The lexical characteristics are often the most obvious and tend to attract more attention.Here, ...