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This book is written at juncture when Ladakh, its affairs and people find mention at national and international scene. Otherwise, for centuries Ladakh remained quiet, isolated and remote situation. Well mapped in the book are Ladakh society and culture. Arena of persistence and change are searched for and interpreted. In the venture of re-study one can get at essence of feeling, attitude and conviction of Ladakh his. The grassroots level descriptions are rich ...
The tribal society of India has been, of late, undergoing a vast transformation. The nature of acculturative influence and degree of change have varied depending upon numerous factors including extent of exposure to alien conditions. This book chiefly aims at analyzing and interpreting the diverse aspects of tribal social structure in the context of change, on the one hand, and in respect of continuity on the other. The positive as well as the negative tribals, ...
As a unique indepth, empiricism-based, analytical and scholarly exercise, this book highlights a tribal scenario which hardly finds a parallel anywhere on the globe. Techno-economic primitivism of this highest order, social and physical isolation of an extreme nature, a minimal the world-view, hostile encounters and dwindling population are some of the markers of the aborigines under study. Torn apart under mounting alien threats, the cultural ecology turned to ...
We are previlaged to introduce Reiki as harbinger of managing change. Change is inevitable and permanent whereas evolution is a continuum. Growing with change in the continuum of evolution, will lead to success and unfurling the potential of everyman, in the New Age. Have you noticed the difference in the quality of work you produce when you are calm and collected and when you are angry or agitated? Have you felt the difference in the pattern of breath, in these ...