R. Santhanam

Showing all 12 books
It is felt new techniques have to be developed for the production of fish through aquaculture and capture fisheries besides creating an awareness among the public about fisheries science.
Although several books on the individual aspects of Fisheries Science are available from abroad, a comprehensive compendium incorporating modern techniques relating to Indian conditions in lacking. In order to fill up this long felt gap this publication is being brought out.
The ...
The marine phytoplankton, the microalgae make up a quarter of all vegetation on the planet and could be the oldest known basic food source in the seas and oceans. The marine zooplankton, on the other hand are the initial prey items for almost all fish larvae. Most of the marine fishes and associated fisheries rely largely on the density and distribution of zooplankton. This comprehensive publication deals with all methods of studying marine phytoplankton and ...
A shining but never setting star in the astral skies – originally enunciated by the king-astrologer, Kalyana Varma. Even though a king by birth, he felt the utmost need to become familiar with the fascination of unfolding stellar secrets. The result: SARAVALI.
This voluminous work is divided into 55 chapters, each devoting to various delicate aspects of Astrology. Every requirement of the student is borne in mind by the author and the text ...
The Present work of Mukundacharya, a well-known Sanskrit scholar and traditional astrologer of lore, is supposed to assist the reader in reconstructing a horoscope in the absence of birth details. A Large number of aphorisms of explained herein based on the works of Varaha Mihira, Kalyana Varma, Amirchandra and Keralite scholars. Besides, an astrologer, who is well-versed with horary branch only is not unlikely to derive advantages of the rules Infra. At a ...
Originally in Tamil, this is based on a Nadi by a sage named Suka. The original was said to have contained 18,000 verses, or 1500 per ascendant. In his Prolegomena, Santhanam says he has rearranged & retold the original in a more independent & appropriate manner, at the same time following the foot steps of the Tamil version. (pg. 4) Chapter 1 is Santhanam's own introduction to the text, it covers astrological basics, including listing all 150 of the ...
One can safely say that Hindu astrology took its birth through the teachings of Parasara, the sage of sages. The sage laid down the various principles in his Hora Sastra through his divine knowledge while instructing his disciple, the illustrious Maitreiya. All later authors like Varaha Mihira, Prithuyasas, Kalyana Varma etc. thoroughly digested the sages principles before they compiled their works. The present translation in English is the first ever attempt in ...
Saga Garga has enunciated few principles of general application in the context of predictive astrology in this work. Also discussed in great detail are effects of planetary conjunctions ranging two to seven with reference to the 12 bhavas. These aphorisms may be of immense advantage in practical analysis of horoscopes. This is the first work of its kind dealing with all possible transmutations of planetary conjunctions.
Economic liberalization in India started seriously fifteen years back has covered a wide area touching upon the different fields of international trade, exchange control, monetary and industrial policies, trade and fiscal policies, economic and cultural relations aimed at accelerating the growth in all spheres with a view to bringing about globalization of the India economy. The liberal and broad based economic and commercial relationship between India and ...
Prithu Yasas, the author was born to illustrious Varaha Mihira, doyen of and authority on Hindu Astrology and an exponent of uncomparable and inimitable latitude. After going through the present work, one can be convinced that Prithu Yasas justified his birth in an astrologer’s family. This work is among the Big Five in astrology, the other four being Parasara Hora, Brihat Jataka, Saravali and Jataka Parijata. Horasara is rightly in ...