Showing all 3 books
Entomology is the science of the study of insects, and this book is a simple, well-illustrated and up-to-date account of the subject. The important basic topics in entomology including the classification and structure of insects have been concisely dealt with and applied topics like Economic Entomology, Medical Entomology, Agricultural Entomology and Insect Control have been outlined in considerable detail, which would help the outlined in considerable detail, ...
Soil, a precious natural resource bestows its benefits to the entire biotic entity of the globe. Forestry is an interdisciplinary science and forest soils play a key role in forest management. This textbook 'Fundamentals of Forest Soils' is a long felt need of the students of forestry and agriculture. The motivating thought of bringing out this book is to make the students to acquaint on the fundamental and applied aspects of the forest soils. The contents of ...