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The present publication is divided into three sections covering differential equations, special functions and integral transforms. The topics included in the text fully covered the syllabi of several Indian Universities. It is hoped that the publication is of great value to all the students.
The present publication is divided into two sections i.e., Real Analysis and Complex analysis. Section on Real Analysis covers Sequences of Real Numbers; Sequences of Rational Numbers; and Limits and Continuity, while the section on Complex Analysis covers Analytic Functions and Power Series; Conformal Mappings and Complex Integration and Calculus of residues. The topics included in the text are according to the new pattern of University Grants Commission and is ...
The present publication is divided into three sections covering Differential Equations, Special Functions and Integral Transforms. The topics included in the text fully covered the syllabi of several Indian Universities. Section of Differential Equations of the first order but not of the first degree, Singular Solutions, Trajectories, Homogeneous Linear Differential Equations, Simultaneous Linear Differential Equations with Second order with Variable Constant ...