Showing all 4 books
Experimental psychology is the most important branch of psychology. The credit for establishing psychology on a scientific basis goes to experimental method. This method is now being used more and more in psychological studies. Therefore, it is in the fitness of things that experimental psychology constitutes compulsory part of courses of psychology for the under-graduate and post-graduate students in Indian universities and also everywhere in the world. The ...
Voluminous books are available on History of Psychology. Some students, however, do not have time and energy to go through these volumes and formulate answers for the examination purposes. Therefore, an attempt has been made to present history of Psychology in brief with an eye on important questions which the student is required to answer in the examinations. Questions drawn from different examinations papers have been given at the end of each Chapter. The book ...
There is hardly a field so vital and changing as abnormal psychology. This classic textbook deals with a comprehensive and up-to-date real-world overview of the subject of abnormal psychology. The book highlights the basic concepts of the subject with lucid writing style and superior pedagogy. A number of books have been written by authors in the West on Abnormal Psychology. These books, while presenting the principles of the subject, explain it mostly with the ...