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With the advance of science and technology, religious belief has lost its hold over the minds of vast number of people. The generations reared on science find little meaning in formal religion with its churchgoing, ceremonies, unquestioning attitudes of belief, acceptance of preiestly hierarchies and their interference in personal life. At the same time, the pleasures and excitements available in an affluent society do not fill the void left by their lost ...
One hundred years ago, the Adyar Library began its career with a modest collection of books. But the Founder, Col. H. S. Olcott, was a man of vision who saw a great future for the institution. In his eyes, it was to be not only an instrument for the revival of Sanskrit literature, but a 'power and blessing to the world', making available once again the wisdom and insights which were part of India's living traditions. From 1879 onwards, the Theosophical Society in ...
During the sixty years of Brahmavidya's existence, many rare and important Sanskrit texts have been serially published in it, as well as research papers, manuscript notes and book reviews. The aim of the Adyar Library Bulleting was the same as that which inspired the President-Founder of the Theosophical Society, Col. H. S. Olcott, to establish the Library: to revive oriental literature, to rehabilitate the Pandit in public esteem, to promote a higher moral sense ...