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This book Bhagavad Gita--Beyond the Religions, one of India's most celebrated classics of contemplation has some new features. First, instead of a dialogue, between Krishna and Arjuna, it actually is a trialouge of the self in communion with the other-self, with the Universal other, Brahman or all which is "in between", a phrase so aptly used by Martin Buber. Secondly, the yoga of the Gita is interpreted as dialectical procedure. The Gita dialectic not ...
The Social Structure of Values is one of the most revealing books of Dr. Radhakamal Mukerjee, one of the foremost thinkers of our era. Karl Mannheim had remarked that prior to this book there was no systematic work on the sociology of values. The theory of values is considered to be the most important contribution of professor Mukerjee who interprets society as an organization and accumulation of values. The book is based on the lectures, the learned scholar ...
Dr. Radhakamal Mukerjee, the doyen of Indian Sociology, in his present work, The Philosophy of Social Science has lamented on the modern movement towards specialization and compartmentalization. Dr. Mukerjee has emphasized the unity of science and awareness of human understanding grounded in certain fundamental principles, techniques and methods. The book aims at an integration of knowledge about human nature and human destiny and is concerned with a penetrating ...
Professor Radhakamal Mukerjee, a celebrated thinker of our era, in the present work, The Oneness f Mankind, has referred to the epochal crisis both in social science and the life of modern mankind. He feels that the crisis must be resolved in order that the species may survive the threat of the third world war. For this the knowledge of man, values and culture has to be released from the grips of its present narrow frame of reference. A rethinking of the goals of ...